Fergus Farm Mutual Privacy Notice
We at Fergus Farm Mutual are adamant about protecting your privacy.
We do not share information about you unless it is necessary to carry out your request for insurance coverage or claims. We do not share, sell or convey your personal information with third parties for marketing or promotional purposes.
A credit report or other investigative report about you may be requested in connection with your application for new or renewal insurance with FERGUS FARM MUTUAL or in connection with a claim you have submitted. Any information which we have, or may obtain, about you or other individuals listed as policyholders on your policy will be treated with utmost confidentiality. The only time information will be shared from this office without prior authorization to third parties will be for claims handling, servicing, and underwriting.
You have the right to see personal information collected about you, and you have the right to correct any information which may be incorrect.
If you are interested in obtaining a description of our information practices, and your rights regarding information we collect, ask your agent, or write us at the address provided with your policy.